Total Legal Accounting 3




USAGE: To add a new Client to the Client/Trust master-file.


DISCUSSION: When you start this function, the computer will initially ask for a Client code. Insert a code and press <Enter>. The Client code structure is defined in SECTION 1.


To return to the CLIENT/TRUST MAINTENANCE MENU, press <ESC>.


Once T.L.A. has accepted the code you will be presented with a screen full of all the fields you can enter information into. These fields are fully described in SECTION 1.


Where required, enter a value into each field that is surrounded by brackets. To move to the next field, press <Enter>. Complete your entry by pressing <F10>. If T.L.A. has found no inconsistencies in your entries, you will be asked to confirm and the information will then be saved to disk.


If at any time you wish to abort the entry sequence, press <ESC>. You will be asked to confirm your request. If you abort the entry, all current changes will be cancelled and the file will not have been added to the Client master-file.


Several function keys are available while you enter the Client information:


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<F1>                  This allows you to import the data from another Client’s file. This is particularly useful if you are entering a series of files for a single Client (with different Matters). Rather than having to insert the name, address, etc. each time, you can enter it once and then add the other files using the first one as a template. After importing the template file, you can then modify the Matter-Re, etc to suit.


<F4>                  This allows you to enter a note detailing any non-structured information. The information you enter here will be displayed during BILLING, but will not be printed on the File-Bills.


<F6>                  This allows you to enter a delivery address. This field will be printed on File-Bills in the area allotted.


<F7>                  This allows you to enter delivery instructions. This field will be printed on File-Bills in the area allotted.


<F8>                  This allows you to attach up to 10 Tax File Numbers (TFN’s) to the file. The TFN’s must already be setup in the system. See SECTION 1.5.3 for information regarding TFN’s.


<F10>                This will move you to the next page of input. <PgDn> will do the same. T.L.A. will check the information entered, so-far, for consistency before allowing you to move to the next screen.


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<F1>                  This will return you to the previous page. <PgUp> will do the same.


<F3>                  This will initiate a search through the Matter table. You may choose a Matter Type in this way or enter one directly.


<F4>                  This will initiate a search through the Solicitor table. You may choose a Solicitor in this way or enter one directly.


<F5>                  This will initiate a search through the Partner table. You may choose a Partner in this way or enter one directly.


<F6>                  This will initiate a search through the Billing-Group table. You may choose a Billing-Group in this way or enter one directly.


<F7>                  This will initiate a search through the Solicitor table. You may choose an Associate in this way or enter one directly.


<F8>                  This will initiate a search through the Partner table. You may choose an Introducer 1 in this way or enter one directly.


<F9>                  This will initiate a search through the Partner table. You may choose an Introducer 2 in this way or enter one directly.


<F10>                This will end the input phase and cause T.L.A. to test the screen ready for update. Pressing <F10> can save you having to press <Enter> all the way to the end of the screen.


<ESC>                This will abort the entry of the Client. If you press <ESC>, the Client will not be saved to the Client/trust master-file.


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