HiFinance 5




USAGE: This is a special program that allows a single pickup and delivery for non-blended fuels. No provision is made for freight. The assumption is that this program will be used for own-trucks delivering simple pickups and deliveries. For transactions outside of this restriction, use the DELIVERIES program, which is more complex, but more comprehensive. (See SECTION 1.3.9I.3). This program can also convert SALES ORDERS previously entered. (See SECTION 1.3.7.)


DISCUSSION: When you start the PICKUP & DELIVER program, the computer will initially ask for a Creditor code. This is the code of the supplier of the fuels. Insert the code and press <Enter>.


To return to the DEBTOR DATA ENTRY MENU, press <ESC>.


To search for a Creditor, press <F9>. For further details on searches, see SECTION 1.2.


Having chosen a Creditor, the screen will display the name and address and recent balances, in full at the top of the screen.


The screen will appear as follows:



Having selected a Creditor, you will be asked to enter several fields relating to the purchase that will be created.


The following is a complete list of possible fields:


Name                  Comments


SHIPMENT # Here you enter the Shipment number of the pickup. This is the number quoted by the truck driver when picking up the fuel load.


OUR ORDER #         This is a non-compulsory field used if you have quoted an order number for the pickup. This field is documentary.


This ends the information required to define the Purchase ribbon information. Next you are asked for he details of the Debtor (customer). Initially you are asked to enter a Debtor code. If you have made a mistake, you may press <F8> to return to the previous portions of the program, or <ESC> to abort the procedure and start again. The screen appears as follows:



Enter the Debtor’s code and press <Enter>. If you do not remember the code, press <F9> to initiate a search.


When you choose a Debtor, HiFinance will display a note, if there is one attached to the Debtor. Also, if the Debtor is on Stop-Credit, etc., a message will be displayed, and you may be required to override this with a password.


Having passed the above tests, you will then be asked a series of questions. These relate to the ribbon information on the INVOICE and also control such things as tax and discounts. The exact list of fields displayed depends on how you have chosen the options in SYSTEM DEFAULTS. (See SECTION 7.1.2.) Fields that are not displayed take their values from the defaults set on the Debtor’s master-file.


Note that if there are any active Sales Orders for this Debtor, you will be asked, PROCESS SALES ORDERS? If you answer Y, you will be presented with a list of active Sales Orders. Choose from this list and the INVOICE will be preloaded with the details.


The following is a complete list of possible fields:


Name                  Comments


THEIR ORDER #    This is a non-compulsory field used when your customer supplies an order. This field is displayed on transactions and is printed on the INVOICE.


INVOICE #      By default, HiFinance will add one to the last INVOICE number used and present this to you. If you have set the option, you may then manually enter a number. As this is your reference to the INVOICE, you should avoid using duplicate numbers.


SALESMAN #   This field defaults to the Salesman as entered on the Debtor master-file. If you have floating salesmen, you can choose to change the Salesman’s code at this point. The change will affect the update of commissions, but will not be written back to the Debtor master-file.


DEBTOR’S NAME    If you are invoicing the Debtor SUNDRY, HiFinance will ask you to enter the actual name of the Debtor. The sundry Debtor is treated differently from other Debtors in that it can be singled out for exclusion in certain reports. The modified name will be printed on the INVOICE and displayed in DEBTOR ENQUIRIES but will not be saved to the Debtor master-file record.


At each point, you may cancel the invoice by pressing <ESC>. However, it is possible to return to a specific field by using <CsrUp> or <F8>.


The screen then rules off and asks you for the date. This defaults to the system date (the date at the top of the screen). If you change it, HiFinance will retain the changed date until you exit to the DEBTOR DATA ENTRY MENU. If you have changed the date and wish to return to the system date, press <F1>. The screen appears as follows:



After entering a date, the screen again rules off and you are presented with a table of 4 lines. These represent the (up to) 4 Inventory lines you can now enter. There are fields that must be entered for each line to be accepted. The screen appears as follows:



The following is a complete list of possible fields:


Name                  Comments


INV CODE        This must be a valid Inventory code. You can search for the code by pressing <F9>. You must enter at least one line. After that, <F10> is available for ending the entries. An Inventory code is only allowed once per transaction. Once at least one line has been entered, you may also press <F5> to modify or delete a line.


DETAILS           By default, HiFinance will enter the description of the Inventory line from the Inventory master-file. You may over-write it, if you need to add more information.


UNITS                Here you enter the number of units sold/purchased. This field must not be zero.


PURCH PRICE Here you enter the unit cost (ex-GST) of the Inventory being purchased.


SALE PRICE   Here you enter the unit price (ex-GST) of the Inventory being sold.


When you have entered all the lines (max 4), press <F10> to continue. You are asked to confirm and a summary is displayed:



If you answer Y, the update will proceed. Otherwise you will be returned to the Inventory code entry area.


When the updates have completed, Invoices will be printed (depending on the options you have chosen, you may be asked to print). At the end of this you will be returned to the Creditor code entry screen, where you can either enter another transaction, or press <ESC> to return to the menu programs.


Files updated by the Pickup & Deliver program:


Debtor master-file:    The total of the sales and cost-of-sales is posted to the Debtor’s record. In the case of a Debtor/sub-account relationship, the outstanding balance is posted to the parent account only. However the sales are posted to the actual Debtor, which might be the parent or sub-account.


Debtor Group file:     The totals posted to the Debtor are mimicked in the Debtor Group file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a group without having to generate a report.


Salesman file:    The totals posted to the Debtor are mimicked in the Salesman file (before tax). This allows you to quickly view the sales for a Salesman without having to generate a report.


Debtor transaction file:         Each Invoice generates a transaction. This can be viewed in DEBTOR ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports, such as DEBTOR STATEMENTS.


Sales Orders file:      If you have created this Invoice from a Sales Order, the order is updated with the current sales (units). If you have instructed HiFinance that the Order is complete, it will be tagged as such and can be purged by the pack program.


Invoice image file:     Every Invoice creates a print image on disk. This is then used to print the Invoice. You can either print the image at the time you create the Invoice or you can use the DEBTOR ENQUIRIES program to print (or re-print) an Invoice.


Invoice print-file: If you have chosen not to print invoices during the update phase and you have chosen to batch invoices (see SECTION 6.1.2) an entry in the Invoice Batch Print file is made for each invoice. You can the print the Invoice using the PRINT INVOICES function (see SECTION


Creditor master-file:  The total of the purchase is posted to the Creditor’s record.


Creditor Group file:   The totals posted to the Creditor are mimicked in the Creditor Group file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a group without having to generate a report.


Creditor transaction file:       Each Purchase generates a transaction. This can be viewed in CREDITOR ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports, such as CREDITOR STATEMENTS.


Inventory master-file: Each Inventory line updates the relevant Inventory record. The sales and cost-of-sales is posted to this record and may be viewed in INVENTORY ENQUIRIES. This is true for both the Purchase and Sales parts of the transactions.


Inventory Group file:  The totals posted to the Inventory item are mimicked in the Inventory Group file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a group without having to generate a report.


Inventory Location file:          The totals posted to the Inventory are mimicked in the Inventory Location file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a Location without having to generate a report.


Inventory transaction file:      Each Inventory line generates a transaction. This can be viewed in INVENTORY ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports.


General Ledger master-file: Several accounts are automatically posted to, eg Sales, Cost-of-sales (as defined in the Inventory Group), GST, Discount, Trade Debtors, Trade Creditors and Stock-on-Hand. These accounts must be defined in the GENERAL LEDGER CONTROL ACCOUNTS.


General Ledger transaction-file:      A transaction is posted for each General Ledger transaction line and for the totals described above.

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