HiFinance 5




USAGE: To create a group of invoices where you send the item or group of items to multiple stores. This function is useful when, for instance, you have a delivery that has to be spread over several stores. Each store is supplied the same item, same quantity and same price. There is provision to print the invoices while updating and also, there is provision to print packing labels. The number of labels can be different for each Debtor.


DISCUSSION: The initial questions asked by HiFinance are similar to those in normal invoicing. The screen typically looks as follows:



The exact number of questions asked is dependant on the options chosen in SYSTEM UTILITIES, see SECTION 6.1.2. The screen will be similar to normal INVOICING, see SECTION 1.3.1.


Next you are asked for the Inventory lines you intend to invoice. Again the fields and questions are set in a similar way to normal INVOICING.

 The screen typically looks as follows:



When you have finished entering lines, press <F10>. You will be asked to confirm and then the screen will change to look as follows:



Here you enter the Debtor Codes of each delivery point. As you enter each code (and number of labels) the screen will build up a list behind the entry box. At any point (after you have entered at least one Debtor) you can press <F10> and this will allow you to amend or delete any entries you have already made. You can go back to adding, by pressing <F1>.



At this point, you can press <F10> and you will be asked to finally confirm the entry. You have the choice to print while updating or batch print. After you make the final confirmation, HiFinance will create one or more invoices, as per your choices, and then return you to the DATE ENTRY screen, where you can either enter the next set of invoices or press <ESC> to return the MAIN MENU.

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