HiFinance 4




USAGE: This program is used to enter all the information on a Shipment (except the date) and to update same. When you create a new Shipment, HiFinance drops into this program, after the Shipment Date has been entered.


DISCUSSION: When you start the AMEND/UPDATE SHIPMENT program, HiFinance displays a list of open Shipment records. Choose the one you wish to cancel and press <F10> or <Enter>.


A typical screen will look like the following:



Initially most of the fields at the top of the screen will be zero. Only the Shipment Number and Date will be filled in. As you enter more information into the program, a summary of the totals will be displayed in this area.


There are several functions keys defined at the bottom of the screen. Not all will be available all the time. This is explained in the following paragraphs.


<F1>                  This function is for entering PICKUPS. This allows you to enter one or more Suppliers and what was picked up. This option is always available.


<F2>       This function is for entering DELIVERIES. This allows you to enter one or more Customers and what was delivered to them. This option is always available.


<F3>                  This function is for entering DIPS. This function allows you to load balance the Shipment. It also allows you to enter any fuels picked up from storage and/or left at a storage point or on the truck. Normally you would only enter this function when the first 2 have been completed because HiFinance will not let you proceed past this function until the truck balances.


<F4>                  This function is for entering FREIGHT and only becomes available after you have completed the DIPS function. It becomes unavailable as soon as you enter or modify any PICKUPS or DELIVERIES. You then have to go through the DIPS function again. HiFinance will remember any entries you had made so you will not have to change anything unless you have added or changed Suppliers or Customers. This allows the program to recheck all balances before rechecking the Freight charges. Freight is not compulsory if the ARE PURCHASES EX-GATE question is set to Y on the Debtor.


<F8>                  This function can be used at any time to save the Shipment details, as they currently stand. If you have entered some of the Shipment details and you cannot finish the entry because you are missing the rest of the details, you can use this function to put the current Shipment on hold. When you re-enter the program with the same Shipment Number, the fields will be reloaded and you can continue from where you were. Note that a save is automatically done before the Shipment is updated.


<F10>                This option is only available after you have entered all the other screens. You are presented with a summary page and then you are asked if you wish to update. Once you choose to update, all files are updated and the batch is tagged as complete.


The functions are discussed in more details below.




Typically a screen will looks like this:



This screen allows you to enter all of the Creditors (Suppliers) you have picked up fuel from in the current Delivery. The screen shown above already has one line entered. Typically, the first time you enter this function, there will be no Creditors entered. The first thing you have to do is press <F1> to ADD a new Creditor. HiFinance will ask you for a Creditor Code. Enter the code or press <F9> to initiate a search. Once you have entered at least one line, you have the added options of <F2> for AMEND (change the litre or pricing details on a line) and <F3> DELETE a line.


Having chosen a Creditor (and confirming that it is the correct one), you will be required to enter the next fields:


SHIPMENT #        This the reference number given to you by the Supplier so that the truck can pickup its fuel load. This field is compulsory.


OUR ORDER #      This is a non-compulsory field that can be used to store any reference number you have give the supplier. It will print on Purchase Orders and thus might be useful as a guide.



Note that the lower portion of the screen displays the Supplier’s details. This is a reminder to you of which Creditor you are entering. This screen is the same whether you are entering a new or amending an existing line. The example above has some of the fields populated. HiFinance will attempt to insert the purchase price for each fuel type based on the date. You can overwrite the initial prices, if they have changed. The following columns are accessible:


LITRES                  Here you enter the number of litres of each fuel you have purchased. Remember that you are purchasing components. Typically you would not purchase a blended fuel. Eg you would not purchase BOOST, you would purchase PREMIUM and ETHANOL (not necessarily from the same Supplier). All fuels are shown. You only need to enter a Litre value next to the ones you have purchased, leaving the others as zero.


PRICE                     HiFinance will insert the price for the day (from the chosen Creditor). If this is zero or not otherwise correct, it can be modified manually. If you have entered a Litre value, the price must not be zero.


VALUE                     This is a calculated field. You cannot enter this. HiFinance will compute and display this column when you finish the screen.


When you have entered all fields, either <TAB> or <Enter> past the last field or press <F10>. You will be asked to confirm that you have completed this Creditor line, and you will be returned to the previous page, where you can enter another line or press <F10> to return to the SUMMARY screen, above.


You must enter at least one pickup line before you can update the Delivery.




Typically a screen will looks like this:



This screen allows you to enter all of the Debtors (Customers) you have supplied fuel to in the current Delivery. The screen shown above already has one line entered. Typically, the first time you enter this function, there will be no Debtors entered. The first thing you have to do is press <F1> to ADD a new Debtor. HiFinance will ask you for a Debtor Code. Enter the code or press <F9> to initiate a search. Once you have entered at least one line, you have the added options of <F2> for AMEND (change the litre or pricing details on a line) and <F3> DELETE a line.


Having chosen a Debtor (and confirming that it is the correct one), you will be required to enter the next fields:


SHIPMENT #        This the reference number given to you by the Customer. It is their order number. If there is none, you can enter VERBAL or the Purchase Shipment number. This field is compulsory.


OUR ORDER #      This is a non-compulsory field. If used, it must correspond to a Sales Order, previously entered into the system.



Note that the lower portion of the screen displays the Customer’s details. This is a reminder to you of which Debtor you are entering. This screen is the same whether you are entering a new or amending an existing line. The example above has some of the fields populated. HiFinance will attempt to insert the sale price and litres for each fuel type based on the Sales Order. You can overwrite the prices and litres, if they have changed. The following columns are accessible:


LITRES                  Here you enter the number of litres of each fuel you have actually delivered. Remember that you are purchasing fuels not components. Eg. Typically you would not sell ETHANOL. All fuels are shown. You only need to enter a Litre value next to the ones you have delivered, leaving the others as zero.


PRICE                     HiFinance will insert the price for the day if available. If this is zero or not otherwise correct, it can be modified manually. If you have entered a Litre value, the price must not be zero.


VALUE                     This is a calculated field. You cannot enter this. HiFinance will compute and display this column when you finish the screen.


When you have entered all fields, either <TAB> or <Enter> past the last field or press <F10>. You will be asked to confirm that you have completed this Debtor line, and you will be returned to the previous page, where you can enter another line or press <F10> to return to the SUMMARY screen, above.


You must enter at least one delivery line before you can update the Delivery.




Typically a screen will looks like this:



This screen is used for Load Balancing.  The first question you are asked refers to the truck used in this delivery. You must enter a truck location code. Each truck is treated as a Inventory Location. Certain numbers have certain meanings. For a full description of these, see SECTION


The following columns are accessible:


INITAL                  This column is not modifiable in this screen. It shows the what was initially on the Truck. For external trucks, this will always be zero, but for “OUR” trucks, it is possible to have some fuel left on the truck overnight. This is picked up automatically by HiFinance.


EXSTORE                If you have picked up fuel from a storage point, ie your own depots, you may enter the quantity here. Enter the actual fuel picked up, ie if the fuel is blended, enter it as such. If you enter any values here, you will be asked, later, for a location code.


PURCH                     This column is entered By HiFinance. It is the total of all lines on the Pickup portion of the entry.


SOLD                       This column is entered By HiFinance. It is the total of all lines on the Delivery portion of the entry.


TOSTORE                If you have set down fuel at a storage point, ie your own depots, you may enter the quantity here. Enter the actual fuel picked up, ie if the fuel is blended, enter it as such. If you enter any values here, you will be asked, later, for a location code.


DIP                          This column is only accessible if the truck you have entered is a OWN truck. You are not permitted to leave fuel on an external carrier’s truck. The fuel left here will be available in the INITAL column, the next time you access the truck.


DIFF                       This is a calculated column. You cannot enter anything in this column. HiFinance checks the previous columns, taking into account blended fuels and computes DIP DIFFERENCE. There are limits in the program as to how far you may be out. Typically, you should be out by a few litres for blended fuels and their components.


When you have entered all fields, either <TAB> or <Enter> past the last field or press <F10>. If you have entered anything into the EXSTOR or TOSTORE columns, you will be asked for a location code. If all is OK, you will be returned to the SUMMARY screen, above.




Typically a screen will looks like this:



Thus option will only be available if you have updated the dips. If you go back and change any of the Pickup or Delivery information, you will have to go back though the dips function again.


Here you are asked for the Freight chargeable for each product. You are asked for a Carrier Code, Truck Type and several option fields, eg Rego and Odometer readings. HiFinance will check that every Debtor chosen has a freight record defined for the chosen Carrier/Truck combination. If there is no price, you will have to go back and define one.


Note that if there are several Customers in the delivery, HiFinance will compute the highest price and apply that to the whole delivery.


There are several fields asked.


CARRIER CODE   This is the Code of the Carrier. This is the company that actually carries the fuel. The Carrier must appear on the Carrier Table (see SECTION


TRUCK TYPE        Here you enter the type of truck used by the Carrier, above. Before you can do this, the Truck Type must have been attached to the Carrier. See SECTION


TRUCK REGO        This is an optional field. If you enter the Registration Number of the truck, HiFinance will save this information for future reporting. This, and the subsequent fields are only used if you need to use HiFinance to compute and assign truck usage and/or performance.


ODO START           This is an optional field where you can enter the starting Odometer Reading for the delivery.


ODO END                This is an optional field where you can enter the ending Odometer Reading for the delivery.


DRIVER ID           This is an optional field where you can enter the Driver’s name or code.


HOURLY RATE      This is an optional field where you can enter the nominal Hourly rate charged by the Carrier. Although HiFinance computes the Freight charges based on litres, it is also possible to enter a rate here and have the total, nominal Freight charge computed on an hourly basis. This is used for comparison purposes and is generally used as an aid to setting per-litre rates.


MINUTES CHARGED           If you enter an Hourly Rate, you will need to enter the number of Minutes Charged. HiFinance will automatically convert minutes to fractions of hours.


MULTIDROP CHARGE        This is the charge levied by the Carrier for making Multi-drops. Ie. If the Carrier delivers to 3 customers on the same run, this will attract two Multi-drop fees. Eg. If the fee is $75, $150 will be added to the cost of the run and this will apportion $50 to each of the customers. The fee is set by the Carrier and represent the time taken to set-down and restart the truck at each site.


MANUAL-FILL SURCHARGE        Small drops require manual metering via the truck’s metering system. This takes longer to do than dumping a complete compartment and so it attracts a Surcharge. This is normally a fixed amount, stuck earlier with the Carrier.




This function allows you to do a quick save of the Delivery, so far. If you intend to leave your computer for a long time, you might wish to save the Delivery instructions, in case of a power failure. It is also, sometimes useful to save the Delivery at a point and try some, what-if entries. You can then cancel the Delivery and go back to the saved one.




Typically a screen will looks like this:



By default, today’s date is entered for you. You can change this to any valid date. If you have changed the date and wish to restore it to today’s date, press <F1>.


It is absolutely important that you choose the date correctly. All buy and sell prices are computed with this date as the basis. Once the date is set for a Shipment, it cannot be changed.


HiFinance will display the day of the week (computed from the transaction date) and then you are asked to confirm that you wish to create the Shipment. When you enter Y, the Shipment header information record will be created and you will be asked to enter more information. The rest of the data entry is identical to the AMEND SHIPMENT program (see SECTION 1.3,9,3.2).

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