HiFinance 5




USAGE: To add a new Shipment to the system. This is basically a Daysheet for the Truck pickup and delivery. You can enter all the pickup details including multiple pickup points, components for blended fuels and prices, which are normally preloaded into the system, but can be over-written here. (See SECTION 3.5.6I for further details.) You can then enter all the delivery points including actual sales. HiFinance automatically converts components to blended fuels. Deliveries to clients can be linked to SALES ORDERS previously entered. (See SECTION 1.3.7.) If you do this, the order will be deemed complete. Once these two items are entered, the balancing information can be entered. This can include pickup from storage and delivery to storage. Eg you can purchase fuel and deliver to partially or completely to your storage facilities. Finally, Truck details are entered. HiFinance will apply freight charges, as per the freight tables. (See SECTION 3.5.6I.3). When this is complete, HiFinance will display a summary of the deliveries. The nominal profit margin is computed and if you are finished, all files will be updated.


DISCUSSION: When you start the NEW SHIPMENT program, the computer will initially ask for a date. Insert the date and press <Enter>. The data is the date of pickup (and delivery). If you pickup on one day and deliver on a subsequent day, you should enter this as two Shipments.


The screen will appear as follows:



The screen displays the SHIPMENT NUMBER. This is generated by HiFinance and is the next number after the last Shipment created. You cannot change this number. It defines the Shipment from now on.


The DATE you enter is the date of the Shipment. If you have split the shipment over several days, it is sometimes best to enter two separate Shipments. This is especially true when leaving the fuel on the Truck overnight and using a different prime-mover to complete the delivery on a subsequent day. The different prime-movers may have different freight rates, etc and there is only provision to enter one Truck per Shipment.


The date entered will be the date of all updates, ie Purchase, Invoices, Fuel transfers will all carry this transaction date.


If you press <ESC> here, the Shipment will not be created and the number can be reused. If you enter a date and press <Enter>, a blank Shipment will be created. The only way forward from there is to enter the details or Cancel the Shipment. (See SECTION 1.3.9I.3.3). Before creating the blank Shipment, HiFinance will ask you to confirm.


The screen now appears as follows:



The top of the screen always shows the Shipment number, the date and day of the shipment, the total Purchases in Dollars and Litres, the total Sales in Dollars and Litres, and the Freight value. This heading is updated and carried through to every page except the summary page, where the information is displayed differently.


So far, this is an empty shipment, containing no information. If you <ESC> here, the number will be reserved but there will be no data.


At this point your choices depend on what you need to enter. The following functions will appear:


<F1>                  This option will always appear. It allows you to branch to the PURCHASES function. Here you have the ability to enter up to 20 purchase lines. It is not compulsory to enter any Purchases. The fuel may not have been sourced from a supplier. It may have already been on the Truck and/or it may have come from storage.


<F2>                  This option will always appear. It allows you to branch to the SALES function. Here you have the ability to enter up to 20 sales lines. It is not compulsory to enter any Sales. The fuel may not have been delivered to Customers. It may be left on the Truck and/or it may have been delivered to storage.


<F3>                  This option will always appear. It allows you to branch to the DIPS function. This allows you to enter balancing information. Here you enter any fuel that you may have been picked up and/or delivered to storage. If fuel is left on the truck, you have the option to enter Dip information. Also, this function checks that the fuel adds up (in litres). Certain tolerance is allowed for, but after that, SUPERVISOR override is required.


<F4>                  This option is only available after you have entered DIPS. Here you can enter all the Freight information. If you go back and change Purchases or Sales, you will need to go through the DIP screen again before the FREIGHT screen will be available.


<F8>                  Al any point, you can save the Shipment in its partial form. Normally this happens when you find that you have partial information and need to come back to this Shipment later. Remember that you should not update Shipments (for the same Truck) out of order.


<F10>                When everything has been entered, you have the option to UPDATE. A summary page is displayed and you are required to confirm the update.


<ESC>                At all times, you have the option to <ESC>. This will forget the last changes you made. Eg if you are in the Dips function, <ESC> will revert to the previous values, which might be blank if you are entering a new Shipment.




Pressing <F1> will display as follow:



If there are no Purchase lines entered, you will only have the option to <ADD> or <ESC>. Once there is at least one line entered, you will have the option to <MODIFY> and <DELETE>. These allow you to change the purchase quantities and prices, or delete the line, respectively. You cannot change a Creditor. If you have entered a wrong line (ie Creditor) you will need to delete the line and re-enter it.


When you press <F1>, you will be required to enter a Creditor code. (You can search for a Creditor by pressing <F9>.) Choose a Creditor and confirm. The screen will appear as follows:



The following fields will be requested:


SHIPMENT #   This is the Supplier’s reference number. It is a compulsory field.


OUR ORDER # This is where you can enter your Purchase Order number. This field is not compulsory, but it is good practice to enter it, if there was one. This way, HiFinance will contain all the documentation and you will not need to resort to the source document if there is an issue.


The screen now looks as follows:



There are always up to 20 fuels displayed. Certain of these fuels will components of other fuels. This depends on how you have setup the fuel tables and components.


Here you enter a entry, for litres, for each fuel picked up from this Creditor. The price should be picked up automatically from the purchase prices entered for this Creditor for this day. (See SECTION 3.5.6I.1 for details.) Normally, this is entered the day before.


You can overwrite the prices, if necessary. You must enter a quantity on at least one line.


A typical entry would be as follows:



To complete your entry, either press <Enter> past the last fuel line, or press <F10>.



Confirm your entry.



You will notice that the total Purchase (at the top of the screen) has been updated. Also, because there is already one line entered, <F2> and <F3> are live.


You can now enter another line or press <F10> to update this portion of the Shipment.




Pressing <F2> will display the following:



The first thing you need to tell HiFinance is the Depot from which the fuel is being picked sold. This defines the pricing. Enter the Depot Code or press <F9> to open a search.



If there are no Sales lines entered, you will only have the option to <ADD> or <ESC>. Once there is at least on line entered, you will have the option to <MODIFIY> and <DELETE>. These allow you to change sales quantities and prices, or delete the line, respectively. You cannot change a Debtor. If you have entered a wrong line (ie Debtor) you will need to delete the line and re-enter it.


When you press <F1>, you will be required to enter a Debtor code. (You can search for a Debtor by pressing <F9>.) Choose a Debtor and confirm. The screen will appear as follows:



If there are any un-filled Sales-Orders for this Debtor, you will be asked if you wish to process any of these. If so, a screen will open allowing you to choose which one. If you choose an order, HiFinance will preload the screen with the order, filling in the stock, quantities and prices. You can still override this information if, for instance, 16,000lt was ordered and only 15,995lt was delivered. If the shipment was originally ordered via the Sales Orders, you should use this function to load the screen. If you do not, the order will remain on file as an un-filled order and will continue to come up on reports.


The following fields will be requested:


THEIR REF      This is the Customers reference number. It must not be blank. If you are entering from a Sales Order, the field will be picked up from the order. This field will be printed on the Invoice.


The Screen now looks as follows:



There are always up to 20 fuels displayed. You can sell composite fuels and/or components. Eg You can sell E85 and/or Ethanol.


Here you enter an entry for litres sold to the Debtor. The prices should be picked up automatically (if there is a price record for this Debtor for the Shipment date).


You can overwrite the prices, if necessary. You must enter a quantity on at least one line. Prices include GST.


A typical entry would be as follow:



To complete your entry, either press <Enter> past the last fuel line, or press <F10>.



Confirm you entry.



You will notice the total Sale (at the top of the screen) has been updated. Also, because there is already one line entered, <F2> and <F3> are live.


You can now enter another line or press <F10> to update this portion of the Shipment.




Pressing <F3> will display the following:



The first field you need to enter is the Truck. This is the location code of the Truck that was used to transport the fuel. It must be a number in the range X11 to X99 or X00 (where X represents a number from 2 to 7 corresponding to the State). Codes that end in 00 are considered external Trucks and are treated as such. Codes that end in 11 to 99 are your Trucks and will not create a Purchase Order, but will update the General Ledger with freight as an expense.


The screen now appears as follows:



As in the other screens, there is a line for each Fuel. Note the columns. They are as follows:


FUEL TYPE      This is the Inventory code of the fuel as it appears on the Inventory master-file.


DESCRIPTION This is the Inventory description, as it appears on the Inventory master-file.


INITIAL           This shows the units on hand, for the fuel, as it appears in the Inventory master-file, for this location. This is basically an opening stock figure. It should be the units of fuel the Truck had at the start of the run. Often it is zero. It should be zero for external Trucks (except in Queensland). Note that, if you enter Shipments out of order, the opening stock might be wrong. If this figure is incorrect (eg due to a faulty dip) you must correct it using STOCKTAKE ENTRY (see SECTION 3.3.2). You cannot modify this value from the Shipments program.


EX-STORE        This represents any fuel that you loaded from your own storage. HiFinance will ask you later which storage location it was.


PURCHASE        This displays the total litres of fuel purchased. You cannot modify this value here. If it is wrong, it means that you have entered an incorrect purchase. In this case, you should <ESC> and return to PURCHASES.


SOLD                  This displays the total litres of fuel sold. You cannot modify this value here. If it is wrong, it means that you have entered an incorrect sale. In this case, you should <ESC> and return to SALES.


TO-STORE         This represents any fuel that you unloaded to your own storage. HiFinance will ask you later which storage location it was.


DIP                     This is the physical dip litres to be left on the Truck. This will be zero unless you are storing fuel on the Truck. When you update the Shipment, this will be the INITIAL value on the next Shipment.


DIFFRNCE        This shows the difference in the Dip. It is computed as INITIAL + EX-STORE + PURCHASE - SOLD - TO-STORE. Currently, if the difference is more than 400 litres under or greater than 1000 litres over, the update will not be accepted without SUPERVISOR override.


Typically, the screen will look, as follows:



If you have entered any values into the EX-STORE column, HiFinance will request a Location. This is the location of the storage and must be a number ending in 01 to 10, eg 401. Similarly, if you have entered any values into the TO-STORE column, you will need to supply a location. Any stock that is lifted from EX-STORE will have a value of the average stock-on-hand at that location. Any stock that is delivered to a TO-STORE location will be costed at the average buy price plus any value of freight. The locations can be the same, but this only makes sense if they are for different fuels. Eg Pickup ULP at one depot and dump some DIS at the same location. You can only enter one EX-STORE and one TO-STORE. In the unlikely event that the Truck is delivering to two storage areas, you will need to enter this as two separate Shipments. However, there is no reason that you cannot pickup some fuel from storage and some more from a supplier and even some from yesterday’s dip, all on the same shipment.


Typically, the screen will look, as follows:



If you have entered all the information, and it balances, HiFinance will ask for confirmation and the will save the record.




This option will only be live if you have entered the DIPS screen. Pressing <F4> will display the following:



This is where you enter any Freight charges. You will be asked the following questions:


CARRIER CODE      Here you enter the code of the Carrier. Either enter the Creditor code or press <F9> to open a search screen.


TRUCK TYPE   Here you enter the code of the Truck type. This must be a type that the Carrier uses. Either enter the Truck code or press <F9> to open a search screen.


TRUCK REGO   This is an optional field where you can enter the registration number of the Truck. If the registration number is part of the Truck description, this field is redundant.


ODO START      Some sites wish to enter the odometer readings for insurance and maintenance purposes. Here you enter the starting odometer reading.


ODO END           Some sites wish to enter the odometer readings for insurance and maintenance purposes. Here you enter the ending odometer reading.


DRIVER ID      This is an optional field. Here you enter the name of the Driver.


The screen will repaint and display the following:



The current freight information will be displayed on the screen. This may need to be over-ridden for some reason, but this should be rare. Press <Enter> past any fields you do not wish to change. The litre value is as per your Deliveries and cannot be changed in this screen. If all is OK, press <F10> to go to the end of the screen. If you have entered a charge for MULTIDROP, you may have to enter more information, ie number of drops, so that HiFinance can compute the complete freight cost and any on-charges to the customer. The information asked for is slightly different for various sites but the prompts should be self-explanatory. Before updating the freight screen, HiFinance will display a summary page and allow you to accept of reject your entry.


HiFinance will ask you to confirm the screen and then will return you to the base screen.




This function will only appear if you have completed the Freight screen.


Having completed all the information on this Shipment, you can now press <F10> to initiate the final phase of the Shipment. The screen will typically appear as follows:



Consider the above screen. This is a summary of the whole shipment. The purpose of this screen is to give you a final look at the entry before finally committing it. For each Sale line (Debtor or TO-STORE) there is an entry detailing the value of the sale, the cost price, fright, margin, total litres and the margin in cents per litre (cpl). If any of the lines shows as less that 1 cpl, there will be a warning generated. You can still update the Shipment (as there may be a reason for the low profit) but it is usually due to an incorrect entry, so you should not update but instead go back and check each part of the entry.


If you have checked the information, you can now update the Shipment.


When you update, HiFinance will create an Invoice for each Sale line; a Purchase for Purchase line; update any stock involved, including moving fuel from and to storage. If the Carrier was not one of yours, HiFinance will create a Purchase Order for the Freight. The reason for this is that the Freight is not payable until you receive an Invoice from the freight company. Also, you will need to reconcile the freight. When you do, the Purchase Order will be cleared and a Purchase will be created. If the freight company is you, no Purchase Order will be created. Instead, HiFinance will just create an entry in the General Ledger recovered costs account. When the update is finished, HiFinance will ask if you wish to print invoices. If you choose to print invoices, the normal process will occur, ie invoices can be emailed, faxed, or printed, as defined in the Debtor’s master-file record. No Purchase Orders will be printed.


When all the updating and printing is complete, HiFinance will return you to the Date screen where you can either enter a new Shipment or <ESC> to the MAIN MENU.

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