HiFinance 5




USAGE: To setup new sites for the Keycomp/Mayden system. This program automatically adds all the Debtors and General Ledger codes needed for setting up a new Site.


DISCUSSION: When you start the program, HiFinance will check that you have all the heading accounts setup in the General Ledger. If not, you cannot proceed.


If a General Ledger or Debtor account is added to the system, this program can be used to update the accounts. HiFinance will scan through all the accounts required for a site and add whatever is not already there. No data will be lost if an account is already setup. However, it is important that you enter the Site’s name correctly as HiFinance does not keep the base name on file and if you enter the wrong name, you will have to manually go back and change all the descriptions.


Currently, the list of accounts that must exist as “header” types are:


Account         Name


1220.00          Commission

1230.00          TAB/Keno Comm.

1420.00          Agency Comm.

1430.00          Sales Ex-GST.

1440.00          Sales Inc-GST

1450.00          Cost of Sales

2010.00          Licence Fee.

2640.00          Insurance

2650.00          Insurance.

3100.00          Bank Fees

3210.00          Cleaning

3270.00          Software Supp

3280.00          Drive Offs

3330.00          Commission Epay

3410.00          Maint.Charges

3800.00          Insurance

4160.00          Electricity

4210.00          Merchant Fee

4240.00          MV Costs.

4490.00          Payroll Tax

4510.00          Postage

4560.00          Stationery

4650.00          R&M

4670.00          Consumables

4690.00          Pest Control

4700.00          Wages

4710.00          Security

4760.00          Loss/Wastage

4780.00          Wages - Super

4800.00          Telephone

4860.00          Uniforms

4870.00          Gardening

4910.00          Waste

4950.00          Workcover

5110.00          Inventory Adj

5120.00          Inventory Reval

5130.00          Stock-On-Hand

5110.00          Inventory Adj.

5120.00          Inventory Reval

5130.00          Stock-On-Hand

7060.00          GST Chargeable

9990.00          Sundries


In addition, the following Debtors must exist:












If the initial testing is passed, you will be asked for a Site code and Name. Enter these and press <Enter>.


To return to the UTILITIES TABLES MENU, press <ESC>.

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