HiFinance 4




USAGE: To print a list of all or a range of Inventory items with their current stock levels and reorder points. In addition a suggested re-order quantity and value is computed.


DISCUSSION: When you choose this report, HiFinance will firstly ask you in which order you wish to print the items. The screen will appear as follows:



Choose the order you wish to print the report in by pressing the number next to the option. If you choose to print BY OTHER KEYS, another menu will open to allow you to specify which of the three OTHER KEYS you actually require.


The report is similar irrespective of report order, however certain sort orders allow sub-totals to be printed (eg by GROUP). Also if you intend to limit the report to a range of Inventory items, it is more efficient to print the report in that order, because HiFinance can then optimise the search pattern.


When you enter this program, the following questions will appear:


USE LONG FORMAT REPORT     If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.


START A NEW PAGE ON CHANGE OF KEY Certain sort options will sub-total at the end of each group, eg GROUP. If you wish HiFinance to insert a page break at the end of each group, reply Y. Otherwise the report will flow on continuously after printing the sub-total.


INCLUDE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL QTY ON HAND    You can optionally allow HiFinance to compute the fraction available-stock represents as a portion of the actual stock-on-hand. Available-stock takes into consideration any stock that is on sales orders and on purchase orders. This thus gives you a measure of the expected stock movements. Normally you would answer Y, but if you prefer to leave the column blank, answer N.


INCLUDE PERCENTAGE OF YTD SALES   You can optionally allow HiFinance to compute the fraction the current period’s sales represents as a portion of year-to-date sales. This gives you a measure of the current stock movements. Normally you would answer Y, but if you prefer to leave the column blank, answer N.


INCLUDE ITEMS WITH ZERO RE-ORDER POINT AND -VE QTY ON HAND    If you wish HiFinance to exclude any item that has been deliberately run into negative stock (eg a sundry type item) this option often will mask the correct items. In this case, answer N.


LIMIT REPORT TO LOCATION            This question is only relevant to companies using multi-location stock. In this case, you may either choose to print the stock-on-hand for one location or the combined total for all locations.


The following question asks you to enter both a lower and upper limit. The upper limit must not be less than the lower limit. The default answers define the extreme limits of the field. You do not have to change all of these limits. Only change the ones you wish to, and tab past the others.


CODE RANGE   This is the Inventory’s code.


GROUP RANGE This is the Inventory Group.


BARCODE           This is the primary barcode field.


OTHER KEY RANGE           This may appear as a different literal depending on how you have defined the field in SYSTEM PARAMETERS.


QTY ON-HAND RANGE      This is the total units on hand (for all locations).


VALUE ON-HAND RANGE This is the total value on hand (for all locations).


YTD QTY SOLD RANGE   This is the total units invoiced in the current year (for all locations).


YTD VALUE SOLD RANGE          This is the total value invoiced in the current year (for all locations).


LAST SALE RANGE           This allows you to limit the report to a range of last sale dates. Eg you might wish to only report on stock that has been sold recently or has not been sold for a long time.


LAST PURCHASE RANGE This allows you to limit the report to a range of last purchase dates. Eg you might wish to only report on stock that has been bought recently or has not been bought for a long time.


SUPPLIER RANGE This allows you to limit the report to a range of Suppliers. Eg you might wish to only report on stock that has been bought through a specific Creditor or a range of Creditors.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will detail the Inventory code, Description, Inventory Group, Other Key, Barcode, Supplier, Available Quantity-on-Hand (On-hand less units on Sales Orders plus units on Purchase Orders), the % of Sales Quantity-on-Hand (units On-hand as a percentage of the Available-on-Hand), % of Sales YTD (On-hand / YTD sales), the Re-order point, the Maximum stock-point, the suggested purchase quantity, the Last-purchase-price and the value of the suggested reorder (computed from the Inventory master-file as per normal cost-of-sales as defined in SYSTEM DEFAULTS. If you are printing short form reports, some of these fields will be shortened or missing.

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