HiFinance 4




USAGE: To undo an Invoice previously entered. This function does not actually delete the Invoice but allows you to enter a reversing transaction that will return stock, and reduce the Debtor’s balance, etc.


DISCUSSION: When you start the CREDIT-NOTE program, the computer will initially ask for a Debtor code. Insert the code and press <Enter>.


To return to the DEBTOR DATA ENTRY MENU, press <ESC>.


To search for a Debtor, press <F9>. For further details on searches, see SECTION 1.2.


Having chosen a Debtor, the screen will display the name and address and recent balances, in full at the top of the screen. Also, if you have attached a note to this Debtor, the note will appear superimposed in the middle of the screen.


The screen will appear as follows:



If the Debtor you are crediting has at least one invoice, you will be asked the following question:




If you rely Y to this question, HiFinance will automatically display a list of Invoices available for this Debtor. Only invoices directly relating to the current Debtor are displayed. This means that if you wish to credit a sub-Debtor you must be within that Debtor to do it. The screen that is displayed is similar to the Debtor Transaction Enquiry screen (see SECTION 1.2) except that only Invoice transactions are shown and there is no facility to print or re-print Invoices. To use this screen, highlight the Invoice you wish to credit (using the cursor keys) and then press <Enter> or <F10>. The Invoice will be preloaded into the Credit Note screen and then the program continues in the normal way. This is a quick way of reversing a long Invoice. Note that if you wish to partially credit an invoice, you can change the lines later in the program using the REVIEW option.


Press <Enter> to clear the note and you will then be asked a series of questions. These relate to the ribbon information on the CREDIT-NOTE and also control such things as sales-tax and discounts. The exact list of fields displayed depends on how you have chosen the options in SYSTEM DEFAULTS. (See SECTION 7.1.2.) Fields that are not displayed take their values from the defaults set on the Debtor’s master-file.


The following is a complete list of possible fields:


Name                  Comments


DATE       This defaults to the system date (the date at the top of the screen). If you change it, HiFinance will retain the changed date until you exit to the DEBTOR DATA ENTRY MENU. If you have changed the date and wish to return to the system date, press <F1>.


THEIR ORDER #    This is a non-compulsory field used when your customer supplies an order. This field is displayed on transactions and is printed on the CREDIT-NOTE.


INVOICE #      By default, HiFinance will add one to the last CREDIT-NOTE number used and present this to you. If you have set the option, you may then manually enter a number. As this is your reference to the CREDIT-NOTE, you should avoid using duplicate numbers.


DEBTOR’S NAME    If you are invoicing the Debtor SUNDRY, HiFinance will ask you to enter the actual name of the Debtor. The sundry Debtor is treated differently from other Debtors in that it can be singled out for exclusion in certain reports. The modified name will be printed on the CREDIT-NOTE and displayed in DEBTOR ENQUIRIES but will not be saved to the Debtor master-file record.


SALESMAN #   This field defaults to the Salesman as entered on the Debtor master-file. If you have floating salesmen, you can choose to change the Salesman’s code at this point. The change will affect the update of commissions, but will not be written back to the Debtor master-file.


TAX EXEMPTION CLAIM Here you choose whether the CREDIT-NOTE will be taxable or exempt. This is independent of any sale-tax number you may have entered on the Debtor’s master-file record. To make the invoice exempt of tax, enter Y.


TAX NUMBER   If you have chosen to make the CREDIT-NOTE exempt of tax, you must enter a value in this field. You must either enter an exemption number or you may enter the word, EXEMPT. If you enter an exemption number all Inventory lines will be extended without tax and will be added to tax rate 10. If you enter the word EXEMPT, tax rate 11 will be used. (See SECTION 7.2.7.) Hint: To quickly enter the work EXEMPT, press <F1>. If you enter a sales-tax number here, it will be written back to the Debtor’s master-file when the CREDIT-NOTE is processed.


OVERALL DISCOUNT        If you have chosen to allow overall discounts, you will be asked to enter a value here. This can be any number from zero to 99.99%. This discount will not be applied if you manually enter a price for an item or a Special Price is detected.


APPLY TO ALL LINES   If you have enabled both line discounts and overall discounts, and you have entered an overall discount, above, you will be asked to resolve the potential clash. If you answer N here, only un-discounted lines will have the overall discount applied. If you answer Y, the two discounts will be applied, geometrically.


At each point, you may cancel the CREDIT-NOTE by pressing <ESC>. However, it is possible to return to a specific field by using <CsrUp> or <F8>.


After answering these fields the screen will repaint and display as follows. Note that at this point there is no way to go back to the above questions, except by cancelling the CREDIT-NOTE and starting again.



Here you may enter the complete details of each CREDIT-NOTE line. You can also change from entering an Inventory line to a General Ledger line, Job Costing line (if enabled) or a Text line. The fields displayed depend on which type of line you are entering and what options you have set in SYSTEM DEFAULTS. For Inventory lines, the following fields will be asked:


CODE       This is the Inventory Code. You may enter a code here or press <F9> to initiate a search. You can change to a different kind of entry by choosing a function key. If you choose to enter a General Ledger line, HiFinance will remember the last code you entered (as long as you do not exit the program). If the last line was not zero, you can repeat the last line by pressing <F1>.


DETAILS    Here you have 2 lines to enter the description of the item. By default, HiFinance will insert the description as it appears on the master-file. If you choose to enter a General Ledger line you can only enter one line of description, however, HiFinance will remember the last description you entered (as long as you do not exit the program). If the last line was not blank, you can repeat the last line by pressing <F1>. Also, if you have used this General Ledger account before (and have updated the transaction) you may press <F9> to bring up the history of details you have used before. There are up to 20 unique lines saved. Scroll down to the one you want and press <F10> or <Enter>. The description will be automatically loaded and you can the changed it if you wish. The new details line will be saved back to the history file, when the transaction is updated.


UNITS      You may enter any number of units, with up to 3 decimal places. Normally you should not sell more stock than you have so the Credit should not change the stock-on-hand from negative to positive. Generally, it is not recommended to cross the zero stock level, as this can create problems in calculating cost-of-sales. For further details, contact your dealer. If you need to calculate the number of units, you may use <F9> to launch the calculator. The result of the calculations will be automatically inserted into this field.


COST-OF-SALES This field can be used to manually override the value of Cost-of-Sales. Normally, HiFinance computes the cost value of the item being credited. If this field is enabled, the computed value is displayed and it can be over-written. This option can be either suppressed or it can be used to enter a “per-unit” value or a “total value”. The exact behaviour is determined by the options in SYSTEM DEFAULTS, see SECTION 7.1.2. Note that if you are invoicing the Inventory item SUNDRY, the option is forced on.


PRICE      HiFinance will insert the price from the Inventory master-file, based on the Debtor’s price code. If you need to calculate the price, you may use <F9> to launch the calculator. The result of the calculations will be automatically inserted into this field. If you wish to see all the available prices, press <F1> and then choose a number or function key to insert the price. Alternatively, you may override the price manually. If there is a note on file for this Debtor <F4> will be available to allow you to display this information. Similarly, <F6> will display any Billing Address and <F7> will display any Delivery Instructions.


DISCOUNT   If you have chosen to enable line discounts, you will be able to enter the value here, as a percentage. If the Debtor has a default discount rate attached, HiFinance will automatically enter it here. Note that the discount will not be entered automatically unless the field is initially zero and you have changed the unit price or if a special price has been detected. If you then wish to enter, or override, the line discount, you will have to do it manually.


TAX RATE   Normally, HiFinance will pick-up the tax-rate from the Inventory master-file record. If you sell at varying rates, you can override the rate here. If the customer is claiming a tax exemption, you may not change the rate.


TAX BASIS  Normally, HiFinance will pick-up the tax-basis from the Inventory master-file record. If you sell at varying rates, you can override the basis here. If the customer is claiming a tax exemption, you may not change this field.


TOTAL      HiFinance will automatically compute the line total. If the price was zero, you will be able to enter a sale price here. This is the total line value. If you choose to enter a value here, the discount will be set to zero and HiFinance will automatically compute the unit price.


At each point you may press <ESC> to abort the line or the whole transaction.


If you have entered at least one line, you may press <F5> (at the CODE field) to enter the REVIEW function. This function allows you to view your entries, and if necessary change or delete a line. To move between lines use <CsrUp>, <CsrDn>, <PageUp>, <PageDn>, <Home> and <End>. If there is a particularly large number of lines, you can also use <F9> to go to a specific line number. To modify a line, make sure it is displayed in full in the bottom window and press <F3>. You can then re-enter any of the details. To leave the REVIEW function, press <ESC> or <F10>, once.


To end your lines, press <F10>. You will be asked to confirm that you have finished entering lines and then you will be asked certain trailer information. Most of these fields may be turned off. A Complete list follows:


COMMISSION RATE           This field defaults to the nominal commission rate as it appears on the Salesman file. You may override the value for this invoice.


CARRIER           You may enter a carrier’s name here. It will appear on the invoice in the appropriate box. If you have set-up a list of Carriers, you can use <F9> to look-up the Carrier and load it from that table. (See SECTION


FREIGHT CHARGEABLE   If you wish to charge freight, enter the value here. It will automatically be posted to the Freight Chargeable account in the General Ledger and will be separately totalled on Invoice reports.


CHANGE DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS  HiFinance will pick-up the delivery address saved on the Debtor’s master-file. If you wish to change it for this invoice, answer Y.


CHANGE DELIVERY ADDRESS HiFinance will pick-up the delivery instructions saved on the Debtor’s master-file. If you wish to change them for this invoice, answer Y.


At the end of the CREDIT-NOTE, you will be presented with a summary and you will be asked to confirm the update. This is the point of no return. Once you answer Y, HiFinance will update all the relevant files. Up to this point you can cancel or modify the details.


After the CREDIT-NOTE has updated, you can choose to print the document. You cannot batch print CREDIT-NOTES. Afterwards, you will be returned to the Debtor code entry screen where you may either enter another CREDIT-NOTE or press <ESC> to return to the DEBTOR DATA ENTRY MENU.


Files updated by the Credit-note program:


Debtor master-file:    The total of the sales and cost-of-sales is posted to the Debtor’s record. In the case of a Debtor/sub-account relationship, the outstanding balance is posted to the parent account only. However the sales are posted to the actual Debtor, which might be the parent or sub-account.


Debtor Group file:     The totals posted to the Debtor are mimicked in the Debtor Group file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a group without having to generate a report.


Salesman file:    The totals posted to the Debtor are mimicked in the Salesman file (before tax). This allows you to quickly view the sales for a Salesman without having to generate a report.


Debtor transaction file:         Each Credit Note generates a transaction. This can be viewed in DEBTOR ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports, such as DEBTOR STATEMENTS.


Invoice image file:     Every Credit Note creates an print image on disk. This is then used to print the document. You can either print the image at the time you create the Credit-note or you can use the DEBTOR ENQUIRIES program to print (or re-print) a Credit-note.


Inventory master-file: Each Inventory line updates the relevant Inventory record. The sales and cost-of-sales is posted to this record and may be viewed in INVENTORY ENQUIRIES.


Inventory Group file:  The totals posted to the Inventory item are mimicked in the Inventory Group file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a group without having to generate a report.


Inventory Location file:          The totals posted to the Inventory are mimicked in the Inventory Location file. This allows you to quickly view the sales for a Location without having to generate a report.


Inventory transaction file:      Each Inventory line generates a transaction. This can be viewed in INVENTORY ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports.


General Ledger master-file: This is updated in two ways. A) if you post a line directly to General Ledger, the value will be posted to the relevant account. B) in addition to this several accounts are automatically posted to, eg Sales, Cost-of-sales (as defined in the Inventory Group), GST, Discount, Trade Debtors and Stock-on-hand. These accounts must be defined in the GENERAL LEDGER CONTROL ACCOUNTS.


General Ledger transaction-file:      A transaction is posted for each General Ledger transaction line and for the totals described above.


Extension for United Shipping:


Please refer to Invoicing (see SECTION 1.3.1).

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