Total Legal Accounting 3




Auto-journals are special daemon records that tell T.L.A. to create journals in the Creditors on a regular basis. Each time SUPERVISOR, or any other user who is tagged for this function, logs onto the system, the programs will check if there are any auto-journals to be posted, and if so will automatically create the postings. Examples of auto-journals include rent payments, etc.


The CREDITOR AUTO-JORUNALS MENU is accessed as item 1 on the CREDITOR UTILITIES MENU. On selecting this menu the following screen will be displayed:



To return to the CREDITOR UTILITIES MENU, press <ESC>.


Fields available on the AUTO JOURNALS MASTER file.


Name                  Comments


CREDITOR CODE This must refer to an existing Creditor. The value of the journal will be debited (added) to this Creditor.


GENERAL LEDGER CODE This must refer to an existing General Ledger account. The value of the journal will be credited (subtracted) from this account. The contra entry is always the Trade Creditor account.


DESCRIPTION This is a description of the journal. This description will be used when generating the journal. It may be up to 50 characters long. It is a compulsory field.


THEIR REFERENCE           This is a 10 character field that allows you to optionally enter any reference supplied by the Creditor.


OUR REFERENCE    This is a number from 0 to 999999. It can be used to link the computer-generated journal to a manual record.


VALUE                This is the value of the journal. The value must be greater than zero.


CREATE JOURNAL Here you tell T.L.A. when you wish to create the journals. You can choose to create the journals on a daily basis, eg every 7 days, or you can specify a monthly basis, eg every 3 months. Also, you must specify when the journals will start. If you backdate the start-date, T.L.A. will automatically create any missed postings (next time you log in).


ENDING             This tells T.L.A. to stop posting journals. After this date, the journal is dead. It does not have to be removed, unless you need the space. You can specify that the journal should stop on a date or after a specified number of postings or when a certain dollar value is reached. You can also specify a combination of these.


SEND WARNING MAIL ON          This can be used to specify to the system that a warning message should be sent to someone on a specific date. This can be used to warn that a journal should be checked or that it is about to end, etc. The message is sent via T.L.A.’s internal mail system. The mail is sent to the user defined in SYSTEM DEFAULTS. (See SECTION 7.1.2.)


NOTES                This is an area where you may enter unstructured information about the journal. This field is also attached to the mail record if you choose to send warning mail (see above).

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