Total Legal Accounting 3




USAGE: To print a list of all or a selection of Securities & Investment Registers which have had transactions within a selected period. This report can act as a source document for Government Reporting.


DISCUSSION: The report always prints in file code order. The report is designed to only report on files that have a TFN, but must include any over-seas investors. So, the report will specifically exclude any TFN that does not start with a number and where the Investor-Type is also not equal to 8. This assumes that you will be putting some dummy TFN in for all Investors that do not supply a real TFN, eg EX-ABC for excluded, etc.


When you enter this program, the following questions will appear:


USE LONG FORMAT REPORT     If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.


INCLUDE ALL FILES      If you answer Y here, all files (that pass the questions above) will be included in the report. Otherwise, you will be asked to enter values for the following ranges. If you enter Y here, go directly to the OK TO PRINT question.


SEC & INV. RANGE        This allows you to limit the report to a range of Investment codes. Enter the lower and upper ranges of the codes you require. The default limits will include all files.


DATE RANGE   This allows you to specify a range of dates. Normally, you would enter a period range eg three months or a year.


NON-RES DATE RANGE   This is the transaction date range specifically for non-resident withholding tax. This is normally a year range but it may be a different range to the one above. The reason for the separate range is that, generally, you will not tell the bank what to withhold until after the period is complete and then they will take the monies out. The transaction (if you choose to match the bank statement) will thus be out of the first range but it refers to tax with in the first range (above). The separate range offered here allows for this. So, for example, you might enter a range of 1/7/2005 to 30/6/2006 for the DATE RANGE and 8/8/2005 to 9/7/2006 for the NON-RES DATE RANGE. If this does not apply, enter the same date range for both DATE RANGE’S.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will detail the File Code (the Register code), the Link Code (the Trust account this Register links to) and any TFN associated with the file. Each TFN will detail the Name and Address of the holder of the TFN. Note for this to work, you must have associated the Trust accounts with TFN’s.

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