Pipeline 3




The General Ledger is designed for use as part of the integrated Pipeline system. It can also be used in stand-alone mode, although some functions, such as BANKING must be accessed through the DEBTORS MENU.


The General Ledger provides a means whereby the other sub-systems (eg Debtors, etc.) can be summarised for reporting purposes. Entries can be posted directly into the General Ledger for transactions that do not involve Debtors or Creditors. These include Bank charges, interest payments, Directors’ fees, etc. The information is collated and organised so that Pipeline can produce Profit & Loss Statements and Balance Sheets.


The GENERAL LEDGER MENU is accessed as item 6 or <F6> from the MAIN MENU. On selecting this menu the following menu will be displayed:



To return to the MAIN MENU, press <ESC>.


Fields available on the GENERAL LEDGER MASTER file.


Name                  Comments


ACCOUNT CODE  This is the General Ledger code. This is the code by which the account will be referenced throughout Pipeline. It is of the format 9999. Any number from 0001 to 9999 may be used.


NAME       The name or description of the account, eg. CARS. It may be up to 50 characters long. This field must not be left blank.


PERIOD BALANCES    These are the account balances for each by period for this account. They are the sums of all the transactions posted to this account. You cannot directly change these balances.


TOTAL YTD or CLOSING BALANCE Pipeline will display the total of each year at the bottom of the column. (See SECTION 6.2.1.) Profit & Loss accounts will only show the total of that year. Balance Sheet accounts show a running balance with OPENING BALANCES at the top of each column.


EXPECTED SIGN It is normal, in a General Ledger, to show transactions and balances as Debits and Credits, rather than positives and negatives. In Pipeline, every transaction and carries its true sign. This means that every Debit balance is a positive and every Credit balance is a negative. To save clutter on the screen, you are required to enter the expected sign of the account. This is the sign the account will normally have, eg expenses are normally Debit accounts. The field must be D for Debit or C for Credit. Pipeline will display DB after a balance if the balance is negative and the expected sign is Debit. Similarly, CR will be displayed if the balance is positive and the expected sign is Credit. In either case, neither CR nor DB will be displayed if the balance is zero.


ACCOUNT TYPE  This field describes to the system what type of account this is. This information is used in certain reports and is also tested in some transaction entry programs. The available options are: A, L, P, R, E, N, M, H, S, T and G. These stand for Asset, Liability, Proprietorship, Revenue, Expense, Appropriation, Main-Heading, Heading, Sub-Total, Total, Grand-Total respectively. Types M, H, S, T and G represent non-posting accounts. They are used for reporting and internal totalling. Pipeline will stop you from posting to these accounts.


                            You must take care to not change an account from a posting to a non-posting account, if there is a balance. If you do, the balance will disappear from reports, such as Profit/Loss, and so will unbalance that class of reports. Move any balance to a different account, if you intend to do this.


                            Sub-Total, Total, Grand-Total will cause the Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet reports to print a total of all accounts above that account and will reset the total. Eg if you place a sub-total after, say, your phone accounts (assuming you have several of these), Pipeline will print a total of those accounts. This also assumes that you have created a sub-total before these accounts. Pipeline will total all accounts since the last sub-total account. Totals will also reset Sub-totals and Grand-totals will reset the other two. Each type prints in a different way (increasingly bold). In this way, you can format the reports without resorting to external programs, such as Excel.


DISPLAY WARNING ON USE  This causes certain transaction entry programs to display a warning that the account is not normally posted to, without actually stoping the posting.


ASK FOR EMPLOYEE NUMBER This field is only used in certain installations to tell Pipeline that this account should carry an employee number.


GST RATE   Pipeline allows for several tax rates to be defined. Here you define to the system, which rate is to be used. You do not enter the percentage rate here, rather you enter the rate’s number (0 - 9) as defined in the TAX RATES, see SECTION 7.2.4. This allows you to change the percentage rates without having to go back to every General Ledger account.


ACCEPT POSTINGS TO GENERAL ACCOUNT           If you enter N here, Pipeline will stop you from posting transactions to sub-account 0001 when posting to this account. Some processes will allow posting with the SUPERVISOR override.


ACCEPT POSTINGS TO SUB-ACCOUNTS       If you enter N here, Pipeline will stop you from posting transactions to sub-accounts other than 0001 when posting to this account. Some processes will allow posting with the SUPERVISOR override.


DISPLAY SUB-ACCOUNTS          When displaying information in GENERAL LEDGER ENQUIRIES (see SECTION 1.2.1) You have the option to suppress the displaying of sub-account totals. There are some accounts where sub-accounts are irrelevant.


IS THIS A BANK If this account is a bank account, you should enter Y here. Otherwise enter N.


ATTACH BANK TO WHICH COMPANY  If this is a Bank, you need to enter the Company to which it belongs to. If you attach the bank to a company that is not the main company (ie the company that holds the cheque book) payments will create loan account transactions between the companies on the assumption that your bank will sweep the subsidiary bank accounts into a master account, at the end of each day.


BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER Here you enter the bank account number or BSB. There is space for up to 10 digits here although most bank accounts are shorter. Note that only the last 4 digits are significant when searching for a bank account. This field is compulsory if the account is flagged as a bank. Otherwise it is left blank.


ALLOW CHEQUE NUMBER RANGE          Here you enter the lowest and highest cheque numbers you can enter into this account. By default the range is 000000 through to 999999. However, to avoid accidentally entering a cheque number outside the range of your chequebook, you should enter the starting and finishing ranges of your chequebook here. You can always change the numbers when you start a new book. Only one range can be entered here so you cannot run two chequebooks (for the one bank) unless they are in sequential ranges.


USED ON THE GST REPORT  This flags the system to include this account in the GST BALANCE CHECK report. (See SECTION and SECTION


WHICH COLUMN ON GST REPORT (A-O)  This flags the system as to where on the GST report, the balance should be printed. (See SECTION Valid values are detailed in this section.)


DATE LAST BANKING  This displays the date of the last deposit to this account. This might be different to the last transaction date.


DATE LAST POSTED   This displays the date of the last transaction to this account.


NOTE                  This is a field that allows you to attach a comment to the account. For instance, you might use this to display information regarding the usage if the account.

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