HiFinance 5




USAGE: To rename a whole group of Inventory items. This function is usually used when you wish to reorganise your Inventory.


DISCUSSION: This program asks for a from and to group. Initially the screen looks as follows:



Here you enter the from group. This is the current name of the Inventory group. If you cannot remember the code, press <F9> to initiate a search.


Next the screen repaints and shows, as follows:



Here you enter the to group code. This is the name you wish to change the group to. If you cannot remember the code, press <F9> to initiate a search. Note that the two codes must be different and both must exist.


When you have entered this group code, HiFinance will ask for confirmation and then all Inventory codes that have the old group will be reassigned to the new group code. Note that old transactions will still show the old group code.

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