HiFinance 5




USAGE: Print a list, or all or a range of, Production Batches.


DISCUSSION: When you choose this report, HiFinance will firstly ask you in which order you wish to print the Batches. The screen will appear as follows:



Choose the order you wish to print the report in by pressing the number next to the option.


The report is similar irrespective of report order, however certain sort orders allow page breaks between keys. Also if you intend to limit the report to a range of Dates, it is more efficient to print the report in that order, because HiFinance can then optimise the search pattern.


When you enter this program, the following questions will appear:


USE LONG FORMAT REPORT     If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.


SHOW INVENTORY LINES IN DETAIL         If you wish the report to just print the Batch totals, enter N here. If you enter Y, the report will be longer and will detail the actual lines on the orders.


INCLUDE ALL BATCHES If you do not wish to set any limits on the report, enter Y otherwise enter N. If you enter N, you will be asked a list of further questions.


INCLUDE ACTICVE BATCHES   If you enter Y here, active Batches will be included in the report. (This means Batches with orders attached.)


INCLUDE NON-ACTICVE BATCHES     If you enter Y here, active Batches will be included in the report. (This means Batches with no order attached.) You must answer Y to at least one of the ACTIVE BATCHES questions.


INCLUDE OPEN BATCHES          If you enter Y here, open Batches will be included in the report.


INCLUDE CLOSED BATCHES     If you enter Y here, closed Batches will be included in the report. You must answer Y to at least one of the OPEN BATCHES questions.


BATCH NUMBER RANGE   This is the Batch number.


GROUP RANGE This is the Inventory Group.


START DATE RANGE        Here you can enter a range of Start Dates to be included in the report.


FINISH DATE RANGE      Here you can enter a range of Finish Dates to be included in the report


DELIVERY DATE RANGES          Here you can enter a range of Delivery Dates to be included in the report.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will detail the Batch Number, Inventory Group, Date Created, Date Started, Date Finished, Date for Delivery, the number of order attached, Maximum Value, Current Value, the current Status and some other relevant comments. If you have chosen to print the detail lines, the report will also show each Inventory code with the number of units and the number lines.

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