HiFinance 5




USAGE: To print a summary by certain major suppliers based on similar parameters as the STOCK PROVISION REPORT (see SECTION


DISCUSSION: This report is specific to those sites that are setup to use it. The report will only function properly if transactions are entered in a specific way. Certain Creditors are also required.


When you enter this program, the following questions will appear:


CUT OFF AT: YEAR        Enter the year as either L for last-year, T for this-year or N for next-year.


PERIOD     Enter the period number, 1 to 12 for last-year and this-year and 1 to 3 for next-year.


HiFinance will default to the current year and period.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will breakdown Sales/Cost-of-Sales/Gross-Profit/SOH/Purchases/Fault-Stock by specific main suppliers and then by the largest other suppliers. At the end of the report, you have the option to turn the output into as ASCII export.

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