HiFinance 5




USAGE: To print a list of all or a range of Bulk Locations.


DISCUSSION: When you choose this report, HiFinance will firstly ask you in which order you wish to print the items. The screen will appear as follows:



Choose the order you wish to print the report in by pressing the number next to the option.


The report is similar irrespective of report order, however if you intend to limit the report to a range of Inventory items, it is more efficient to print the report in that order, because HiFinance can then optimise the search pattern.


When you enter this program, the following questions will appear:


USE LONG FORMAT REPORT     If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.


PRINT ALL INVENTORY CODES          If you reply Y here, you will not be asked any more questions. HiFinance will print all Inventory codes that have a Bulk Location.


CODE RANGE   This is the Inventory’s code.


GROUP RANGE This is the Inventory Group.


BARCODE           This is the primary barcode field.


OTHER KEY RANGE           This may appear as a different literal depending on how you have defined the field in SYSTEM PARAMETERS.


QTY ON-HAND RANGE      This is the total units on hand.


VALUE ON-HAND RANGE This is the total value on hand.


YTD QTY SOLD RANGE   This is the total units invoiced in the current year.


YTD VALUE SOLD RANGE          This is the total value invoiced in the current year.


LAST SALE RANGE           This allows you to limit the report to a range of last sale dates. Eg you might wish to only report on stock that has been sold recently or has not been sold for a long time.


LAST PURCHASE RANGE This allows you to limit the report to a range of last purchase dates. Eg you might wish to only report on stock that has been bought recently or has not been bought for a long time.


SUPPLIER RANGE This allows you to limit the report to a range of Suppliers. Eg you might wish to only report on stock that has been bought through a specific Creditor or a range of Creditors.


INCLUDE OBSOLETE ITEMS     If you enter N here, items that are flagged as obsolete will be excluded from the report.


INCLUDE NON-OBSOLETE ITEMS       If you enter N here, items that are not flagged as obsolete will be excluded from the report.


INCLUDE STOCKED ITEMS        If you enter N here, items that are flagged as normally stocked will be excluded from the report.


INCLUDE NON-STOCKED ITEMS          If you enter N here, items that are flagged as normally non-stocked will be excluded from the report.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will detail the Inventory code, Description, Other-key1 (which is normally the Pick-face location, Barcode, Bulk Location. If the stock code is in more than one Bulk Location, multiple lines will be printed.

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