HiFinance 5




USAGE: To site dockets that have been returned.


DISCUSSION: This function will only appear if you have the Delivery Docket option enabled.


When you start the program, HiFinance will ask you for 3 entries:


DATE       This is normally today’s date (unless you are backdating entries). This is the date that the docked was returned.


DRIVER     This is the driver’s code. It is usually the driver’s initials or name. There is no check made here, except that the field cannot be left blank.


INVOICE NUMBER This must be the number of an Invoice, and the Invoice must not have already been sited.


The screen will appear as follows:



When you have entered an Invoice number, HiFinance will attach the date and driver to that invoice record. You will then be asked for another Invoice number. This will continue until you have finished. To end the sequence, press <ESC>. To change the Diver’s name or the date, you must press <ESC> and re-start the program,

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