HiFinance 5


1.3.8U.9 – IMPORT BPAY


USAGE: To import a file from the ANZ Bpay report and directly update the Debtors.


DISCUSSION: This function is only relevant for sites using the Cards System. The files are typically of the name d0000287722222 and should be placed in the S:\bpay directory. HiFinance will consider any file in that directly as a potential import file. Note also that there must be a sub-directory called archive for the updated files to be moved to. Each time the program runs, it will pickup one file (in alphabetic order) process it and move it to archive. If you have several files to update, run the program repeatedly until no files remain.


When you start the IMPORT BPAY program it will first check if there are any files in the import directory (see above). If not, you will be given the message to tell you that the directory is clear. If HiFinance finds a file, the following screen will appear:



HiFinance will test the file. It needs to be in the correct format. The date must not be in a closed period. All payment lines must contain a Bpay number which points to a valid (non-Dormant) Debtor. Any errors will be displayed and the file will need to be edited to correct or remove the offending lines.


A typical file will look as follows:


ANZ BPAY Detailed Transaction Report                    26/09/2022   PAGE      1

                          Biller Code :     999999


Customer Reference   Transaction Reference  Pay Method           Amount


10005056             WBC20220924823110         001                      4,000.00

10262988             ANZ20220926460532         001                      2,000.00

10285765             WBC20220925315684         001                          8.80



Subtotal by Payment Method :               Trans Count           Amount

        101   Visa                                 1                    4,000.00

        201   MasterCard                           1                    2,000.00

        301   Other Credit Cards                   0                        8.80

                                             -------         ------------------

              Credit Card Subtotal :               2                    6,000.00

        001   Debit Account                       29                        8.80



Total :                                           31                    6,008.80



** Transaction Amount with '-' indicates Reversal/Refund


HiFinance looks for the heading line, to establish the transaction date. It must start with exactly the string “ANZ BPAY Detailed Transaction Report”. HiFinance will then ignore all lines that do not start with a number while testing that the Bpay code points to a valid debtor.


If the file passes pre-processing, above, the screen will clear and the process will continue. Note that the screen will clear and the file being processed will appear near the top-left-corner of the screen.


If you are using multi-banks, you will be asked for the bank account number.


The options are as follows:


BANK ACCOUNT      Here you must enter the last 4 digits of the bank account you wish to send the receipts to. You can use <F9> to initiate a search.


You can press <ESC> to exit the program at this point. No files will have been updated.


A final YES is required before the process begins. You must answer to continue.


The program will then scan the file again updating each line. A receipt will be added to the Debtor. If the value is positive, HiFinance will attempt to allocate the payment to the oldest Debit transactions. The Bank and Trade Debtors will be posted to in the General Ledger. If you have not disabled the Bank Deposit function, an entry will posted for each (positive) line. No attempt is made to allocate negative lines (ie Reversal/Refund). This will need to be acted on manually or left for the over-night auto-posting to allocate. When complete, you will be returned to the MENU.

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