HiFinance 5




USAGE: To enquire on the Shopper Dockets and static information such as the name and notes. Information cannot be changed by this option.


DISCUSSION: When you start the enquiry program, the computer will initially ask for a Shopper Docket number. Enter the number and press <Enter>.


You can change the search criteria by pressing the function-key associated with one of the alternate sort orders:



<F1>                  Receipt Number


<F2>                  Docket Number


<F3>       Site Number


<F4>       Transaction date


<F5>       Brand (eg Coles)


<F6>       Result (eg Success) by Site Number


<F7>       Result (eg Success) by Transaction Date


<ESC>      will exit the program and return you to the DEBTOR enquiry MENU.


To search for an account (within the sort order you have chosen), press <F9>.


When you enter the code, the following screen will be presented”



There are several function keys available in this screen:


<F1> or <CsrLeft>          This will cause HiFinance attempt to read the previous record. If there is one, it will be displayed.


<F2> or <CsrRight>      This will cause HiFinance attempt to read the next record. If there is one, it will be displayed.


<F3>       will print the information currently on the screen. Before printing the computer will ask, START REPORT? To start the report, answer Y. If you do not wish to print, answer N. More information is printed on this report than appears on the screen.


<ESC>      will return to Taxi code entry routine. From there, another <ESC> will exit the program and return you to the DEBTOR enquiry MENU.

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