HiFinance 4




USAGE: To print a list all or a selection of Job Cost codes with totals of time and values billed against them for a Job structure.


DISCUSSION: This report is always printed in Source Code order.


When you choose this option you will be asked to enter Job Code you wish to report on. This must refer to an actual Job code and HiFinance will include any Job that starts with this code. E.g. If you enter a Job code of ABC, the report will report will include ABC, ABC001, ABC/001, etc. and present totals for each Source code.


Next you will be asked:


INCLUDE ALL SOURCE CODES            If you wish to print all Source Codes, you can answer Y here and you will not be asked any of the range questions.


The following question asks you to enter both a lower and upper limit. The upper limit must not be less than the lower limit. The default answers define the extreme limits of the field. You do not have to change all of these limits. Only change the ones you wish to, and tab past the others.


SOURCE CODE RANGE      This is the Source Code.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will detail the Source Code, Description, Hours and value and Units and value (split up by whether the source code uses quantities) for both the chosen period and the year-to-date. At the end of the report, all numeric fields are totalled.

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