HiFinance 4




USAGE: To issue Stock to a Job. This function is used to transfer stock at cost from inventory to work-in-progress. This is analogous to an internal sale to the job.


DISCUSSION: When you start the GOODS ISSUE program, the computer will initially ask for an Inventory code. Insert the code and press <Enter>.


To return to the TIME COST DATA ENTRY MENU, press <ESC>.


To search for an Inventory item, press <F9>. For further details on searches, see SECTION 1.2.


Having chosen an Inventory item, the screen will display as follows:



If you are using multi-location stock, you will be required to enter a location next. You may search for locations by pressing <F9>. The location will be displayed under the Inventory code area.


You are next required to enter a Job Code. This is the Job to which the Inventory is to be issued. If you need to issue the same Inventory item to more than one Job, you will have to enter the transactions separately.


To search for an Job, press <F9>. For further details on searches, see SECTION 1.2.


Having chosen a Job, the screen will display as follows:



The following is a description of the fields displayed:


Name                  Comments


OUR REFERENCE This field is inserted by HiFinance. It is incremented by one for each transaction.


THEIR REFERENCE    This field is picked up from the Job master-file record. It is normally the Customer’s order number.


WIP BALANCE This field initially shows the current value of WIP for this Job. Just before updating, HiFinance updates this field to show what it will be when the update is complete.


SOURCE CODE This field is displayed by the computer to show you the current status of the item. If you using multi-location stock, the field will show the stock-on-hand for the chosen location.


QUANTITY TO ISSUE      Here you enter the number units you wish to transfer from stock to the Job. This amount can be negative (if you wish to reverse an issue but it may not be zero.


COMMENTS        You must enter a description here. Once you have entered this, HiFinance will remember the value and you can repeat it by pressing <F1> until you return to MENU.


ISSUE VALUE This value is displayed to show you the current value of the units you are issuing.


At each point, you may cancel the transaction by pressing <ESC>. However, it is possible to return to a specific field by using <CsrUp>. You can also finish the screen by pressing <F10>.


When you have finished entering the required information, HiFinance will vet the information. If no missing information is detected, you will be asked to confirm the update and the computer will update the relevant files. When this has completed, you will be returned to the Inventory code entry screen where you may either enter another transaction or press <ESC> to return to the JOB COST DATA ENTRY MENU.


Files updated by the Goods Issue program:


Inventory master-file: The total of the units will be subtracted from the units-on-hand. If you are using multi-location stock, the appropriate location is also updated.


Inventory transaction file:      Each update generates a transaction. This can be viewed in INVENTORY ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports, such as INVENTORY TRANSACTIONS.


Job master-file   The WIP balance is updated with the value of the Issue Value. Also the Costs are updated by the same amount.


Job transaction file                Each update generated a transaction. This can be viewed in JOB ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports, such as JOB TRANSACTIONS.


Source master-file    The Cost field is increased by the Issue Value.


General Ledger master file  The Issue Value is removed (credit) from the Stock-on-Hand account and added (debit) to WIP account.


General Ledger transaction file       Each update generated a transaction. This can be viewed in GENERAL LEDGER ENQUIRIES and is used to create reports, such as GENERAL LEDGER TRANSACTIONS.

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