HiFinance 4




USAGE: To print a list of Inventory items that can be released from backorder based on a list of Purchase Orders you enter. If you have a large delivery, eg from overseas, it is sometimes an advantage to look for any Sales Orders that can be filled before you store the stock. This option, although manual, can save much double handling in your storeroom. It is possible to achieve a similar result by listing the Inventory items on the Purchase Order(s) and then running a Sales Order report for those items, but this option puts these functions together in one package.


DISCUSSION: When you start this option, the screen appears as follows:



Here you can enter up to 36 Purchase Order numbers. There is no need to put them in any particular order. Press <Enter> after each number or <F10> to complete the screen. HiFinance will then check for duplicates and any numbers that do not exist. (You may also press <F1> to clear all numbers, or <ESC> to exit the program altogether.)


Having entered all the Purchase Order numbers you need, you will be asked:




Here you may enter a cut-off date for the report. The default is today’s date. You should only enter a date if you wish to exclude recent Sales Orders. Press <Enter> or <F10> to continue.


You will next be asked to confirm that you wish to start the report. After press Y, HiFinance will scan the Purchase Orders you have entered, picking out all stock codes and adding up the total available from the Purchase Orders. (The assumption is that the Purchase Order has been fully filled by the delivery.) Next HiFinance will scan the Sales Order file looking for any orders that have not been filled. As it finds them, they will be reported on. Note that the report will always be in OTHER-KEY1 by INVENTORY CODE order.


The report itself will print the Inventory code, Description, Debtor Code, Name, Quantity on backorder, the original order date, the expected delivery date, the Sales Order number and the Customer’s reference number. There is no totalling except at the end of the report where the total lines and total orders are printed.

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