



USAGE: To analyse the transaction sales and print totals by the Debtor’s postcode and the store location.


DISCUSSION: This program is a marketing aid. The program only appears if you are using the multi-location stock option. The report scans the Inventory transaction file for the ranges chosen and totals the number of units sold and the value of these sales (exclusive of tax and freight) and presents totals by postcode with a location breakdown.


When you enter this program, the following questions will appear:


USE LONG FORMAT REPORT     If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.


The following question asks you to enter both a lower and upper limit. The upper limit must not be less than the lower limit. The default answers define the extreme limits of the field. You do not have to change all of these limits. Only change the ones you wish to, and tab past the others.


POSTCODE RANGE This is the postcode. For this to work, you must use the postcode field on the Debtor’s master-file.


LOCATION RANGE This is the range of locations you wish the report to include. This field is compared to that on the original invoice or credit.


DATE RANGE   This defines the range of transaction dates you wish to include in the report.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report itself will detail the current ranking. Post-code, Location, the net number of units sold (i.e. invoices less credit-notes) and the value of those transactions (less taxes and freight). If there are more than one location for any postcode, a sub-total will be printed. At the end of the report, the units and value columns will be totalled.

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